Quiet today as most of our guests checked out. Only Alex (German), Monika (Mauritian) and their son Daniel, Pauline from England, Gregg from Scotland, Edwin from Holland and Sara from England still staying here.
Went to night market together.
Zack sprained his back as he'd tried to lift the cabinet. Well, he needs to rest anyway so he becomes good boy now and just sit still most of the times.
Joe bought and fix a pool for monkey. As you can guess, he tore it down in less than an hour. What an investment!
Personal note : got a bit mad as one of the guest accused us (through hostelworld) that we are cheating with our description as they said the room is sub-standard (well, they stayed in Lanai - compared to us. Last time I checked the rate is double as well) as it was full of maggots, insects and mosquitos.
The room is always full and none said this. Even before they stayed and immediately after they checked out families always stay there. Swedish family with 2 kids (Jonas) stayed there for 2 weeks and now Alex family stay there til now. None complains.
Mosquitos and insects, for God's sake, this is tropical country. Even Datai has mosquitos as they fill full of the cabinet there with mosquito's repellent, spray etc.
This is quotation of our microsite :
The house is surrounded by trees and mountain so please expect leaves droppings and some surprising visits of wild animals.
It might not be suitable for everyone who is not used to backpacking experiences and this is certainly not a hotel/resort with round-a-clock room service.
The new English fun pub is in our establishment. Please DO NOT stay in our place if you are an early sleeper and or looking for total quietness.
Can't find other that can be so honest and yet, he said that we were cheating by not telling him that he might find all these mossies, insects, (no maggots, I don't have maggots!) and the noise of the bar!
Bless him with his attitude if he wants to travel across Asia.
1 comment:
lol maggots!
I was staying in your house for what,almost 6 months? Maggots my ass...
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