Thursday, September 27, 2007

Post hiatus

Took 2 weeks holiday back to my hometown. Zack took care the guest house by himself. A minor incident when Bandit and Kacang wandered around to Oasis and scared the staff there. Bonton picked them up and called Zack after that. Kacang refused to jump into the car and hence he followed the car from Bonton to the house!

Anyway, Zack was sick as well after that until yesterday. Six days no alcohol and just practically in bed. Big deal for him as he has never been sick until that state. But he is back to normal today and work as usual this afternoon. His favorite job ever : cutting grass.

It is Ramadhan this month. And again, God shows His sense of humor. The humidity and the warm weather are definitely a killer. I hardly can breath being back from my hometown @ 15 C. Good thing is food bazaar is open again.

The house is busy - despite the low season hit in Langkawi. Most of the rooms are occupied and we are blessed that we have the returnees. Chris from Switzerland, Jody from Canada slash Korea, and Dawn from England. Karim will be back tomorrow with his two daughters.
Beside them we have Gopinath from KL on working trip here since 22, 73-y-o-Edward from England from Saturday and will be here until October 6, Ashley from UK slash Korea, Richard from Scotland and his Laura, and Yoann and Damien from French.
We had Jussi from Findland for few days and the group of Ruchir and Agrawal from Nepal/Indian as well. Thibault even slept in the unfinished room in our new site!
Not so bad.

Pic: in blue sitting : Dawn, Ashleigh *yellow, Jussi and partner.
Pic : in dining table : Jody, Chris, Laura, Richard and Thibault

The sad note is that despite our rooms are full, I do not have any maid anymore. Well, good to shed off the kilos I gained home.

1 comment:

S said...

Hi honey! Hope everything is allright, I haven't heard from you in a long time! Don't forget about me ;/
Give Zack&the dogs biiig kisses from me :)

Oh.. tell Dawn I said hi and tell her to drink lots of beer for me! Big hugs!!!